2021 Practice Management Workshop

PM 21 speakers.jpg

Continuing Medical Education Information

Faculty - get all bios here.

Disclaimer Statement

This enduring material does not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, policies or procedures of the Alabama Chapter-American Academy of Pediatrics, Children's of Alabama, or their staff or representatives.  Alabama Chapter-American Academy of Pediatrics cannot and does not assume any responsibility for the use, misuse or misapplication of any information.

Designation Statement

Children’s of Alabama designates this enduring material for a maximum of 4.5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™.  Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

Accreditation Statement

This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the accreditation requirements and policies of the Medical Association of the State of Alabama through the joint providership of Children’s of Alabama and the Alabama Chapter of the AAP. Children’s of Alabama is accredited by the Medical Association of the State of Alabama to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

Planners' Disclosures

The following Planners of this enduring material have nothing to disclose:

Haidee Custodio, MD, FAAP
Linda Lee, APR
Jill Powell

Content Reviewers' Disclosures

The following Content Reviewers of this enduring material have nothing to disclose:

Andrew W. Stubblefield, MD, FAAP

Content review was conducted prior to the release of this enduring material and considered compliant with the standards listed below.

Content Review

Children’s of Alabama requires that:

Content is free from bias in favor of a specific product or service of a commercial interest. A commercial interest is any entity producing, marketing, re-selling or distributing healthcare goods or services consumed by or used on patients.

Slides do not contain any advertising, trade names corporate logos or a product-group message.

Generic names are used when discussing therapeutic options or if trade names are used then those of several companies are listed.

All recommendations involving clinical medicine are based on evidence that is accepted within the profession of medicine as adequate justification for their indications and contraindications in the care of patients.

All scientific research referred to, reported or used in support of justification of a patient care recommendation conform to the generally accepted standards of experimental design, data collection and analysis.

The Alabama Chapter-American Academy of Pediatrics is pleased to offer its 2021 Practice Management Workshop as an on-demand, CME-approved "enduring materials" module for download/education of our members and PMA members who were not able to attend the live, in-person meeting.

Please review the information below and follow the instructions at bottom in order to view the sessions, complete the online evaluation & credits claimed forms, and successfully pass the online post-test, which will automatically submit for CME credit (for those who need/want CME).

Scroll to bottom to begin and get instructions.

Introduction/Needs Assessment

Click here


Dear Stress:  Let’s Break Up

  • Lou Lacey, MA, LPC

2021 AMA Updates: Pediatric Coding & Documentation Challenges

  • Sue Kressly, MD, FAAP

HIPAA Updates: Proposed Rule Changes and Information Blocking

  • Lauren DeMoss & Joni Wyatt, MHA, MHIA, CPHIMS, FHIMSS

Communication to Vaccination

  • Todd Wolynn, MD, FAAP 

Marketing Tools for Pediatric Practices

  • Katrina Skinner, MD, FAAP          

Speakers' Disclosures & Educational Objectives

Click here.

Commercial Support

This activity receives no commercial support.

Enduring Materials Information

Formats Available: Streaming*
On-Demand Release Date:  October 14, 2021
On-Demand Expiration/Termination Date: October 14, 2024

Approved Credit

Physician: 4.5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits

Non-Physician: 4.5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits

IMPORTANT:  In order to receive credit for the lecture watched, you MUST take and pass the post-test and complete the online evaluation (see below).

Please note that effective July 1, 2011, enduring materials are required to provide an assessment of the learner that measures achievement of the educational purpose and/or objectives of the activity.  Please complete the post-test below (in addition to the credits claimed and evaluation) to receive your CME certificate, which will be emailed to you upon successful completion.


AAP News: 2021 office-based E/M changes affect time-based reporting, prolonged services
2021 office-based E/M changes affect time-based reporting, prolonged services | American Academy of Pediatrics (aappublications.org)

Pageler NM, Webber EC, Lund DP. Implications of the 21st Century Cures Act in Pediatrics. Pediatrics. 2021; 147(3):e2020034199

Vaccine Hesitancy – Partnering to Change Minds | American Academy of Pediatrics (aappublications.org)

https://www.who.int/immunization/sage/meetings/2014/october/SAGE_working_group_revised_report_vaccine_hesitancy.pdf - see top of page 59 regarding rise of vaccine hesitancy in last decade

Raza F and Lantos JD. Promoting COVID-19 Vaccination on Social Media. Pediatrics. 2021;147(5):e2021050049


All steps are required to obtain CME.

1.  Payment

Click here to go to the payment page, select and click 2021 Annual Meeting Enduring Materials Payment” and select “Practice Management Workshop” ($100.00) or select “Bundle - Annual Meeting & Practice Management Workshop” to receive a discount for purchasing both modules; click “add to cart” to begin payment process. After paying, you will receive a separate email with the password to the page with the session videos. Upon completion, return here for the remaining instructions:

2.  Post-Test

To take test, click here.  You must click through and complete all questions for the sessions you watched (100% pass rate) in order to obtain CME credit.  Your test results will be automatically sent to the Chapter office, along with the two forms below. Upon receipt, the Chapter office will email you your certificate. Please be sure to mark the number of hours on your certificate for your record.

3.  Evaluation

Click PM 21 Evaluation to take/submit CME activity evaluation. 

4. Credits Claimed form

Click HERE to complete/submit credits claimed form

**NOTE:  If you have a technical issue with one of the links, please contact Linda Lee, APR, at 334-954-2543 or via email.