Tap your interest
Over the years, our Chapter has effected change in child health and advocacy issues in Alabama, thanks to the undaunted efforts of many Chapter members. There are a number of very active committees and representatives that sustain the work of the Chapter CLICK HERE FOR COMMITTEE LIST). The Chapter Executive Board encourages you to get involved in an area that interests you. If you have another area of interest that you would like to "tackle" on behalf of the Chapter and children in Alabama, please indicate so on the interest form.
Ways to get involved
Board of Directors
Area Representatives (3-Year Term, 3 meetings/year, email votes/discussion)
CME Chair (2-Year Term)
Secretary/Treasurer (2-Year Term)
Vice President (2-Year Term, moves to President, 2-Year Term)
Committee Chairs/Chapter Positions (see list here)
Chapter Pediatric Council position (3 two-hour face-to-face meetings/year on payor issues)
Membership on Other State Committees (generally quarterly meetings but this is variable)
Serving on Specially Called State Task Forces on burning issues tied to member’s passion (i.e. pulse oximetry workgroup, Medicaid RCO workgroups, etc.) (time commitment variable)
Key Contacts for Alabama State Legislators (call/email legislators when action alerts are issued)
Testifying at Alabama Legislature in Montgomery (one- to two-hour meetings in Montgomery)
Writing articles for Alabama Pediatrician newsletter
Sending article links for Alabama Pediatrician Briefing e-newsletter
Legislative Day attendance (one day a year)
Responding to survey/focus group requests sent to membership via email (upon request)
Media interviews (upon request of Chapter Executive Director or President)
Facebook and Twitter posting on pediatric issues using Smart Briefs, pediatric policy news, etc.