Advertising Opportunities

The Alabama Pediatrician is a 16- to 20-page quarterly newsletter published for members of the Alabama Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics, with timely news and information of interest to pediatricians to improve their practices and child health issues in Alabama.  Click here to see archived issues.


Currently, The Alabama Pediatrician is mailed to 900+ pediatrician members of the Alabama Chapter and specific issues of the publication are periodically distributed to Alabama legislators, the media, children’s advocacy groups, and at local and regional meetings.  

Frequency of Publication

The Alabama Pediatrician has four issues a year.. The months of publication may vary and the newsletter may be delayed based on activities of the Chapter.  Scheduled months for mailings are February, May, August, and November (may vary occasionally). Check with the Alabama Chapter-AAP office for changes and to verify print date.  

Closing Dates for Space

The deadlines for advertising are:
First Issue:  February 1
Second Issue:  May 1
Third Issue:  August 1
Fourth Issue:  November 1
Advertising accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

Advertising Rates for 2024-2025

Full page (7 ½ x 10)…... $750.00                      *Advertisers committing to space in
½ page outside panel (premium                           four consecutive issues will
  position) (7 ½ x 4 ¾ )…$700.00                       receive a 15% discount. 
1/2 page (7 ½ x 4 ¾ )……$525.00

Availability is limited; minimum fee is $1,000 plus cost of insert.  Consult the Chapter for more details.

Printing and Mechanical Requirements

The Alabama Pediatrician is 8 ½ x 11 inches.  It is published on matte coated paper and runs 16 pages. Printing method: Offset. 
Only black and white, camera-ready advertising is accepted; electronic format (pdf, QuarkXPress, InDesign, eps, tiff) strongly preferred.  All others will be subject to a typesetting/layout charge.  Halftone Screen: 150 line. 

Insertion Order

Please complete the online insertion order form (click button below) or click to download a pdf version and return to:  Jill Powell, or fax:  334-269-5200.

Mailing Instructions

E-mail electronic files to:  Jill Powell at  Mail disks to: The Alabama Pediatrician, Alabama Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics, 19 S. Jackson St., Montgomery, AL 36104.


Call Jill Powell at 334-954-2530 or email



Acceptability of Advertising

All products and/or services to be considered for advertising must be related to, effective in, or useful for the practice of medicine and more specifically the specialty of pediatrics.  All drugs, instruments and equipment must be approved by the Federal Food and Drug Administration and the advertisements must conform to all Federal regulations.  The AAP does not claim any responsibility for the contents of advertising and the acceptance of advertising does not in any way constitute endorsement or approval by the Chapter or the Academy of a product, service, or company.  The Alabama Chapter-AAP reserves the right to reject or cancel any advertising.  All advertising copy is subject to approval by the Editor.