2023 Annual Meeting & Pediatric Update - September 8-10, 2023
Attendee Handouts & Important Links!
Welcome to our 2023 Annual Meeting! Our Executive Board members are pleased to host you for this information-packed conference. We are happy to convene again at the Renaissance Ross Bridge resort, which offers a peaceful setting for our meeting. I look forward to talking to each of you and spending time together while taking advantage of some fantastic CME! Many thanks to our CME Chair Haidee Custodio, MD, FAAP, for her efforts in putting together this fantastic line-up of speakers and topics! —-Nola Jean Ernest, MD, PhD, FAAP, Chapter President
Please be sure to review these handouts before and during the meetings!
Practice Management Workshop (Friday)
PM Speaker Bios (in order of program)
PowerPoint Handouts
Assessing for the Right Fit: The Hiring Process---Andrea Lewis, PHR, SHRM-CP
Consent in the Pediatric Practice: Major Issues with Minor Patients---Brandy Boone, JD, Medical Association of Alabama
2023 Coding Updates ---Jan Blanchard, CPC, CPEDC, CPMA
The Art of Delegation---Katrina Skinner, MD, FAAP
Leadership in Waiting: Recognizing and Developing Leadership Potential in Yourself and Others---Nola Jean Ernest, MD, PhD, FAAP
Main Meeting (Friday 3 p.m. - 5 p.m./Saturday/Sunday)
Speaker Bios (in order of program)
Resort location (Google maps)
PowerPoint Handouts - remainder coming soon!
Social Determinants of Health in Pediatric Practice—Preethi Marri, MD, FAAP
Bronchiolitis: The Journey to Safely Do Less—Mary Orr, MD, FAAP
The Great Masticators: Closing the Gap of Delayed Diagnosis in Eosinophilic Esophagitis—FINAL VERSION—Nick CaJacob, MD
Pediatric Food Allergy —Amy CaJacob, MD, FAAP
Panel Discussion: Mental Health Lessons Learned from Alabama Pediatrician PATHs participants—Grant Allen, MD, FAAP; Connie Chang, MD; Stacey Daugherty, LICSW; Susan Griffin, LICSW; Marsha Raulerson, MD, FAAP; Nina Reynolds, PhD; Leslie Sawyer, MD, FAAP; and Staci Smith, LICSW
Luncheon/SYMPOSIUM: Eat for Strength —Marie Spano, MS, RD, CSCS, CSSD supported by The Dairy Alliance
Virulent: The Vaccine War Discussion—Facilitated by Brooke Haynes, MD, FAAP
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome in Adolescents—Tracy Roth, MD, FACOG
21st Century Cures Act and Information Sharing in Pediatrics—Sue Kressly, MD, FAAP
Pediatrician’s Role in Preventing Childhood Toxic Stress—Michael Arenson, MD, MS, MA
Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder in Adolescents—Tracy Roth, MD, FACOG
Pediatrician’s Response to Children Presenting with Symptoms of Toxic Stress —Michael Arenson, MD, MS, MA
Contact Jill Powell at 334-954-2530 or Linda Lee at 334-954-2543.