2020 Virtual ANNUAL MEETING & Fall Pediatric Update - September 26 - 27
Attendee Handouts & Important Links!
Welcome to our 2020 Virtual Annual Meeting! We are so happy that you are joining us for this information-packed conference. Although we hope to get back to in-person meetings in 2021 so that we can enjoy the networking that is so important to our profession, we hope that these two days provide you with solid information that re-energizes you as we move ahead in this pandemic and help families manage the school year and other issues. I would like to thank our CME Chair Haidee Custodio, MD, FAAP, for her efforts in putting together this fantastic line-up of speakers, as well as Katrina Skinner, MD, FAAP, our incoming president, who will, moving forward, help this wonderful Chapter and its members navigate these waters with her energy and grace. —-Wes Stubblefield, MD, FAAP, Outgoing Chapter President
Please be sure to review these handouts prior to the start of the meeting!
Virtual Exhibit Hall - visit each supporter’s website link and then complete Virtual Exhibit Hall Quiz linked below to enter door prize drawing!
Virtual Exhibit Hall Quiz - complete to enter door prize drawing!
PowerPoint Handouts
“Obesity Prevention: What do we do for Infants under 2?”—Sandra Hassink, MD, FAAP
“Child Physical Abuse: Recognition & Response during the COVID Pandemic”—Michael Taylor, MD, FAAP
“Obesity Prevention: Optimizing our Interactions in the Patient Encounter”—Sandra Hassink, MD, FAAP
“Integrating Childhood Mental Health into Primary Care Pediatrics”—Brian Gannon, MD, FAAP; April Kendrick, Ph.D., ECMH-E®; & Stacey Daugherty, LICSW
“COVID-19: A School Year Check-in and Looking Ahead to 2021”—Scott Harris, MD
“Nutrition for Oral and Systemic Health Throughout Childhood and Adolescence”—Teresa Marshall, PhD, RDN, LDN
“Life Hacks for the Pediatric Practice”—Katrina Skinner, MD, FAAP
“Meningococcal Disease and Immunization”—Tamera Coyne-Beasley, MD, FAAP
“Psychological and Behavioral Impact of the Pandemic on Children”—Kim Zlomke, PhD, BCBA-D
Marsha Raulerson Advocacy Award - presented to Stephanie Denton, MD, FAAP
Carden Johnston Leadership Award - presented to Michael Ramsey, MD, FAAP
UAB’s 2020 Wallace Alexander Clyde Distinguished Service Award for Excellence in Pediatrics - to be presented Sunday, September 27, 2020
Recipient: Karen Landers, MD, FAAP - Click here for bio
Children’s of Alabama’s 2021 Master Pediatrician Award - to be presented Sunday, September 27, 2020
Recipient: Lamenda Blakeney, MD, FAAP - Click here for bio
Other post-conference resources
From speaker Kim Zlomke: “The Society for Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics is an interprofessional organization dedicated to improving the developmental and behavioral health of children by providing exceptional leadership and promoting research, education, advocacy, and practice. SDBP advocates for an integrated approach to the biological, psychological, social, educational and cultural influences on children, youth, and their families. This year's meeting will be held fully virtually from October 8-12, and includes seven intensive workshops, six focused interest tracks, clinical and research presentations, as well as opportunities for networking and a little fun! For details, click here.
VERY IMPORTANT! In order to get your CME certificate, please complete these two forms. The CME certificate or certificate of attendance will be automatically linked upon submission of the Credits Claimed Form.
Contact Jill Powell at 334-954-2530 or Linda Lee at 334-954-2543.